More People to Love You With Saundra & Susan - Building a Village Family and Finding a Known Sperm Donor

I speak with Saundra and Susan who have built a community which they lovingly call their village family. Filled with friends, family and neighbors, the village family was composed to create a diverse and rich environment for their daughter to grow and thrive in.

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A Kaleidoscope of Support With Paige Pieroni - Building a Family Through Surrogacy and Egg Donation Due to Turner’s Syndrome

I talk with Paige Pieroni about Turner Syndrome and the incredible family building journey she and her husband are on. Turner Syndrome is a genetic condition which affects female chromosomes at birth, and one of the main ways it impacts Paige is that she is unable to have children as a result of underdeveloped ovaries.

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Parenting, Season 3, Navigating Change Julia Karol Parenting, Season 3, Navigating Change Julia Karol

135 Days in the Hospital With Aaron Kartchner- A Stay at Home Dad Discusses Parenting and Experiences in the NICU

Aaron Kartchner about fatherhood and what it’s like to be a non-stereotypical stay at home dad. Aaron’s first daughter was born extremely premature at 27 weeks resulting in a 135-day stay in the NICU. Aaron chose to step into the role of primary caretaker.

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I Didn’t Think It Was Possible Part 1 With Michael Mills - Trailblazing Gay Surrogacy in the UK and Donating an Embryo to a Friend

Michael Mills and his partner pioneered the path for gay people in the UK to grow their families. They did so during a time when family building options were fairly limited in the US and almost non-existent in the UK. As a gay man, Michael always believed that having a family or children was beyond the realm of possibility.

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I Didn’t Think It Was Possible Part 2 With Tammy - Becoming a Solo Parent at 52 Through an Embryo Donation From a Friend

When Tammy had to decide between staying married or not having a family, she chose divorce and received an embryo donation from her friend, Michael. Tammy’s story highlights the difficult trade-offs we often make but also reveals the beautiful experience of becoming a mom – something she had dreamed of for decades.

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Miscarriage, Season 3, Navigating Change Julia Karol Miscarriage, Season 3, Navigating Change Julia Karol

Coming From a Place of Fullness With Ashley Sondergaard - Self Care Through Miscarriage

Ashley shares her own story of how her self care toolkit has evolved after stepping into parenthood and in the midst of a painful experience with miscarriage. Ashley reminds us what self care truly means. We can nurture ourselves, like she has done, by showing up first for yourself and then showing up for others out of the overflow of energy and capacity that self care creates.

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