Embracing Worthiness With Tara Krueger - Navigating Epilepsy and Parenting


In this week’s episode, I speak with Tara Krueger about building a family and making a meaningful life in the context of having a long-term health condition. Tara has epilepsy and shares how that has impacted the way in which she is raising her children and the family structure they have created around her epilepsy. This is an important episode because there are not enough conversations about health conditions and how they impact ourselves, our self identity and our family building. Tara is passionate about educating people about epilepsy, silencing the shame around the illness and proving that just because you have a health condition doesn't mean that you're less of a person or can’t accomplish what you want to accomplish. You can do anything that you want to.

In This Episode: 

  • [ 2:40 ] Tara Krueger’s introduction.

  • [ 4:20 ] How Tara built her family.

  • [ 8:10 ] What is epilepsy?

  • [ 10:29 ] Why Tara is inspired to share her story.

  • [ 11:13 ] Tara’s diagnosis and first experience with epilepsy.

  • [ 15:04 ] Hiding her diagnosis.

  • [ 15:35 ] What Tara would tell her own kids if they had this type of a health issue.

  • [ 16:45 ] The path to openness about her condition. 

  • [ 18:50 ] How epilepsy plays a role in family building.

  • [ 20:23 ] Medication while being pregnant.

  • [ 25:46 ] Medication and other forms of healing.

  • [ 26:37 ] How epilepsy and parenting have shaped Tara’s family.

  • [ 29:00 ] Structuring family life around health conditions.

  • [ 33:54 ] Why Tara is sharing her story now.

  • [ 35:20 ] What to say to someone who recently has been diagnosed with a health condition .

  • [ 37:29 ] How Tara defines family.

  • [ 38:18 ] Resources and tools for people who have epilepsy or know someone with epilepsy.


  • Epilepsy affects over 3 million people in the US, that means 1 in 26 people will develop epilepsy in their lifetime.

  • There are different forms of epilepsy, with the frequency and intensity of seizures differing for everyone. 

  • People with epilepsy often hide their illness or feel ashamed to share with others. Tara shares her own story to educate people about the illness and to end the stigma and silence around epilepsy.

  • If you have a health condition it does not mean that you are less of a person. You can accomplish anything that you want to accomplish. You can do anything that you want.

  • Step into your worthiness. Decide you’re worth it and decide you’re worthy of having whatever it is you want – whether that’s a certain job or family, or children.

  • It's important if you are in a relationship and you have epilepsy, for example, to be able to have strong communication about what to do, if you're having a day where you're off. Having a support system in place is crucial.

Guest Links:

Tara Krueger Instagram

Tara Krueger Website


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