Coming From a Place of Fullness With Ashley Sondergaard - Self Care Through Miscarriage


*Trigger warning for anyone who has experienced miscarriage or loss.* In this week’s episode, we have the pleasure of talking with Ashley Sondergaard. Ashley is the host of the “Yoga Magic” podcast where she explores the depths of self care, something that touches every component of our lives – spiritual, physical, and emotional. Ashley shares her own story of how her self care toolkit has evolved after stepping into parenthood and in the midst of a painful experience with miscarriage. Ashley reminds us what self care truly means and how it ultimately boils down to the absence of “should” from our lives. We can nurture ourselves, like she has done, by showing up first for yourself and then showing up for others out of the overflow of energy and capacity that self care creates.

In This Episode: 

  • [ 3:27 ] Ashley’s introduction

  • [ 4:32 ] What does self-care mean to you

  • [ 6:03 ] How self-care and family rhythms work together

  • [ 8:54 ] Self-care in practice when things don’t go as planned

  • [ 11:22 ] How Ashley’s self-care practices have changed

  • [ 13:00 ] Is self care the absence of “shoulds” and guilt

  • [ 14:07 ] Where Ashley’s hesitation to be a mom originated and when the desire changed

  • [ 16:45 ] Decision making based on intuition

  • [ 18:13 ] Ashley shares about her painful experience with miscarriage

  • [ 30:44 ] How miscarriage changed Ashley’s relationships with her two daughters

  • [ 35:10 ] How best to support someone after miscarriage

  • [ 38:20 ] How miscarriage changed Ashley’s view of family and family planning

  • [ 43:11 ] How Ashley defines family


  • Self-care is more than just filling your own cup. It’s being so filled up that you have the energy, space and capacity to care for other people. 

  • Self-care and caring for others go hand in hand. You can’t care for others long term if you aren’t taking care of yourself first. 

  • Self-care at its best is the absence of “should'' from your vocabulary. It’s releasing the guilt associated with expectations and making space for what’s best for your spiritual, mental, and physical health.   

  • Even with a well stocked “tool kit” of self care knowledge, miscarriage and grief will still be all consuming and at times debilitating. Give yourself the space to grieve and heal.

  • Women often experience postpartum symptoms (like emotional and hormonal changes) after a miscarriage. It’s important to recognize this and allow your body to heal as if you are postpartum.

Guest Links:

Ashley Sondergaard Instagram

Ashley Sondergaard Podcast

Ashley Sondergaard Website


The podcasts available on this website have been produced for informational, educational and entertainment purposes only. The stories and experiences contained within reflect the experiences and opinions of the guest and may contain content found to be triggering by listeners. Listeners should take care to avoid program content which may not be suited to them.

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