A Safe Space With @Drunkauntoverseas - A Conversation About Choosing to Be Childfree

Season 2 Episode 3 - Main Graphic.png

Childfree by choice is a growing community of people whose definition of family does not include having children. In this episode, we are joined by a woman who runs an Instagram account called Drunk Aunt Overseas. Her mission is to normalize and create a community of people who are choosing to be childfree. It is important to include all definitions of family building and today we are focusing our attention on the people who are defining their lives and definitions of a family outside of children. This episode aims to share one woman’s decision to remain childfree. In this podcast, we debunk the stigma, address some of the misunderstandings, and validate the decision many make to be child-free.  Drunk Aunt Overseas chose to remain anonymous because when she is voicing the thoughts of so many, it goes beyond her own name, to a collective voice of a community.

In This Episode: 

  • [ 2:42 ] The creation of Drunk Aunt Overseas Instagram account

  • [ 4:03 ] Drunk Aunt’s journey to be childfree

  • [ 7:11 ] Ending a relationship because of their different perspectives on family building

  • [ 11:22 ] Who are the childfree community and what types of people engage with The Drunk Aunt on her Instagram page

  • [ 14:42 ] How she gives advice to people whose family members are not supportive of their childfree life

  • [ 16:22 ] Why there tends to be hostility towards people who do not want children

  • [ 22:02 ] Addressing myths around being childfree

  • [ 28:38 ] Dating when you’ve declared yourself childfree

  • [ 32:10 ] Her family's reaction to choosing to not have children 

  • [ 34:56 ] How Drunk Aunt shows up as an aunt and what that means for her

  • [ 38:27 ] Navigating friendships who are choosing to have children when you’re childfree

  • [ 41:44 ] Drunk Aunt’s definition of family 

  • [ 46:45 ] Where to find Drunk Aunt


  • Breaking away from the old-fashioned traditions that women are put on this earth to birth and take care of children

  • Addressing myths that are directed to individuals who choose to be childless

  • Dealing with hostility from others who do not understand the decision to live without children

  • Creating a community for like-minded individuals who need a place to talk and feel included in their childfree decisions 

  • Finding peace and certainty in your decision to not have children



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