Following a Calling with Emily Westerfield: Supporting Intended Parents as a Surrogate

Season 2 Episode 2 - Main Graphic.png

After seeing a close relative go through infertility, Emily Westerfield discovered that surrogacy was her calling. Not only has Emily been a gestational surrogate three times, but she is also a Director of a surrogacy agency helping match families with surrogates and helping to facilitate the process before, during, and after the birth of a child. The perspective Emily offers as a mother, as a surrogate, and as a facilitator really sheds a light on the fertility options that are available now. Emily talks about what the families might be feeling as they work with their surrogate, what it’s like for her own family as she carries another couple's child, and how this affects all of their lives. In this episode, Emily takes us through the science and process of gestational surrogacy and how this offers a couple the chance at a family they’ve been on a journey to build. 

In This Episode: 

  • [ 7:50 ] The IVF Process for the surrogate

  • [10:50] How taking on the role as a surrogate impacts your own family and the other people in your life

  • [15:55] Talking about the surrogacy journey with your own kids and how the process might affect them

  • [23:00] Creating connections with the family you surrogate for and the process of choosing to work with them

  • [25:30] Facilitating special lifestyle requests intended families may have of their surrogates 

  • [33:30] Emily’s work as the Directory of a Surrogacy Agency, gift of life, and what supporting intended parents looks like

  • [39:30] Walking intended parents though the surrogacy process

  • [42:30] The process of interviewing to be a surrogate and what the agency looks for in a candidate.

  • [45:05] One thing Emily wants others to understand surrounding the stigma of surrogacy. Educating yourself and understanding why people choose this route as either the surrogate or the intended family is important in this process. 


  • Choosing to be a surrogate is a calling to some people to help others create the family they’ve always dreamed of. Surrogacy is quite the commitment and requires a lot of your time and adds restrictions in order to complete the process.

  • Becoming a surrogate includes a lot of science, strict medication regime, and timing in order to create a healthy baby to carry. The process takes at least a full year, if not more. 

  • As a surrogate, you not only need to be physically prepared for carrying a pregnancy, but also mentally prepared with your role in the process of carrying a child for another family. Before beginning your journey, you need to be in it for the right reasons.

  • Choosing a good match for families and surrogates requires a detailed screening process. A surrogate will generally want the intended family to be involved in the process and pregnancy as much as possible. 

  • The definition of family does not need to be blood. It’s love, support, care, and putting others needs before your own. Surrogacy is just one way that helps people build the families they’ve dreamed of when traditional ways did not work out as planned. 



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