Where Do Donors Come From? Understanding Sperm and Egg Donation with Genetics Counselor Lauren Isley and California Cryobank


In this week’s episode, we are joined by Lauren Isley, a genetic counselor at California Cryobank. Have you ever wondered how a sperm bank selects and evaluates its donors? Lauren walks us through what genetics counseling is and how it supports clients in their fertility needs. She shares with us the process of selecting sperm donors, supporting clients in selecting the right donor or in making major decisions based on genetics.She lifts the veil of what goes on behind the scenes and helps reveal the mystery that goes on to create a successful program. Lauren also gives excellent advice for those getting started choosing a donor. Tune in today to get a great understanding of how cryobanks work!

In This Episode: 

  • [3:35] Welcome, Lauren Isley! Learning about Lauren’s work. 

  • [7:39] Under what circumstances might someone need genetic counseling?

  • [10:15] What occurs behind the scenes to ensure sperm meets guidelines?

  • [13:50] What conditions make someone eligible to be an egg or sperm donor? 

  • [16:14] How does California Cryobank look at the risk a potential donor might have vs. the number of donors needed?

  • [22:55] What percentage of egg or sperm donors are eligible, and what might make donors unqualified? 

  • [25:38] How does California Cryobank keep up with new genetic information? If there is a new genetic mutation, do they go back and remove those donors?

  • [28:28] What happens when new medical information is received after a child is born or the donor uncovers information?

  • [36:37] How has technology like 23&Me shifted the number of donors? 

  • [43:48] What filters and mechanisms does California Cryobank use regarding the number of families who can use a particular donor?


  • When starting your search, start with 2 or 3 items that are your primary criteria. Do you want ethnicity? Height, Education? Whatever it is, start small and narrow down. 

  • The cryobank goes through a lot behind the scenes to screen donors. They have a lot of guidelines for donors, including genetics. Some genetic testing will be discussed to see if a recipient will want to move forward with the donor, while others will need testing from the recipient to see if they also care about the genetic mutation. 

  • Donors are providing people with the gift of life! The process is long for them, so they deserve much love and appreciation for making the gift a reality.

Guest Links: 


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