Embrace the Crazy Perfect With Dara Kurtz, Author: An Intergenerational Wisdom Story

Season 2 Episode 9 - Main Graphic .png

In this week’s episode, we are joined with Dara Kurtz, a mother, author, and cancer survivor. Dara navigates the depths of difficult and complicated questions, and the question she is exploring today deals with the dynamics of intergenerational mother-daughter relationships. Twenty years after her mother’s passing, Dara unexpectedly found several letters written to her from her mother and grandmother. While reading these letters, Dara went through a self-exploration journey and gained priceless wisdom that she now shares with her own daughters. This special episode is focused on the way mothers and daughters connect, the challenges of raising a daughter, and the importance of sharing wisdom across generations.

In This Episode: 

  • [ 1:30 ] The start of Dara’s story, the pain of losing a mother and the joys of gaining a daughter

  • [ 5:11 ] Navigating becoming a mom for the first time without the guidance and support of her own mother 

  • [ 9:07 ] How Dara tried to convey her mother to her children to create a connection

  • [ 10:36 ] The biggest gift the letters from her mother gave to Dara

  • [ 16:01 ] Using mother/daughter journals to connect with each other

  • [ 18:31 ] Different activities to connect past generations with future generations in family

  • [ 21:28 ] How the relationship with her daughters has evolved over time

  • [ 24:21 ] Advice for parents who are currently in a difficult season of parenting

  • [ 27:43 ] What Dara has learned from her mother/daughter relationships 

  • [ 31:04 ] Dara’s definition of family

  • [ 32:47 ] Speaking out about guilt and how to work on feeling guilt

  • [ 37:46 ] Tools Dara has used in her journey to personal development  

  • [ 40:02 ] How to approach the world with new eyes after a difficult period in life

  • [ 41:32 ] Where to find resources written by Dara


  • The importance of connecting the past with the present and how it can impact the future of a family. Being connected from one generation to the next, mother to daughter.

  • Trying to navigate the challenges of becoming a new mom without the guidance and support from your own mother.

  • Embracing each “season” as a parent and understanding the role the parent needs to play for their child in each of those seasons.

  • Learning how to recognize and deal with guilt as a parent.

  • Different ways of being intentional with connecting past generations with future generations of family.



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