The Stars Aligning With Caroline: Traveling to Denmark for Fertility Treatments

Season 2 Episode 8 - Main Graphic .png

Caroline Priebe’s journey to Motherhood is what some would consider unconventional. Living in New York City and not feeling confident she would meet someone, Caroline made the decision to pursue motherhood without a partner. After feeling resentful towards the fertility clinics and processes in the United States, Caroline researched clinics overseas, and in the end decided to celebrate her 40th birthday in Denmark, with an intrauterine insemination. Caroline joins Julia in this episode to discuss her journey in becoming a single mother by choice, the challenges the process brings, the benefits of travelling abroad for fertility treatments and how her life has changed since welcoming her daughter into her life. 

In This Episode:

  • [1:49] Introduction to Caroline Priebe

  • [2:55] Single mother, by choice

  • [5:00] Choosing the medical process of building a family

  • [7:00] Caroline is first introduced to the idea of travelling to Denmark for treatment

  • [9:11] Caroline begins the preliminary IUI process 

  • [14:09] Caroline’s experience with IUI in Denmark

  • [19:17] A journey into single motherhood

  • [25:00] Caroline is raising her daughter in the midwest, but misses New York

  • [25:58] What is it like to date now?

  • [31:44] Caroline’s experience with loneliness

  • [34:05] Communicating the sperm donor process

  • [36:06] Caroline’s definition of family

  • [36:49] What it means to show up for somebody

  • [40:30] Information about Caroline’s coaching business

Key Takeaways:

  • You do not have to wait for a partner to become a parent.

  • Denmark seems to offer a very pleasant experience for those pursuing Intrauterine insemination via a sperm donor.

  • Intrauterine insemination is a cheaper venture in Denmark than in the United States.

  • Becoming a single mother comes with its challenges, but it is also very fulfilling.




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Caroline is a sustainable fashion design pioneer and the founder of The Center for the Advancement of Garment Making; a consultancy working to educate and inspire a new guard of fashion leadership that channels the same energy and creativity poured into the design of a garment, into designing business models characterized by their beauty, ethics and ability to create net-positive impact. Caroline is also a Martha Beck certified Life Coach who coaches women through challenging professional and personal transitions and supports them in manifesting a life of their own design.


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