Turn Your Wound Into Your Wand With Kelly Fay: An Adoption Story Told Through Poetry

Season 2 Episode 13 - Main Graphic .png

In this week’s episode, we are joined by Kelly Fay. In this episode, Kelly shares her experience as an adoptee and her journey to explore her own self-identity. She will share her experience discovering her adoption as a child, her personal evolution, her relationship with her adoptive parents, and her experience reconnecting with her biological family. This episode digs deep into the crevices and corners of her soul, exploring her relationship and feelings about adoption. Enjoy a Stork’d first, as our guest shares with us a poem she wrote about the emotions surrounding adoption. This poem is so powerful and raw and will leave you with chills!

In This Episode: 

  • [ 2:20 ] Hear Kelly’s powerful poem about herself as an adoptee.

  • [ 6:48 ] Emotions Kelly felt while writing her poem.

  • [ 9:07 ] The news that rocked Kelly’s world when she was eight years old.  

  • [ 11:42 ] How the adult relationships in Kelly’s life played out as she grew into her teenage years and then into adulthood.

  • [ 15:21 ] Recognizing the powerful first moment of experiencing self-love. 

  • [ 16:35 ] Kelly’s feelings around the word adoption and how those feelings have evolved over time.

  • [ 20:38 ] After going through deep, transformational work, what is now opening up to Kelly in this part of her life?

  • [ 22:11 ] Delving into Kelly’s birth parents and family.

  • [ 26:41 ] Was the adoption path that Kelly was put on the right path for her? 

  • [ 29:19 ] Kelly’s relationship with her adoptive parents.

  • [ 33:20 ] The emotions Kelly feels today about her adoption. 

  • [ 35:07 ] What Kelly would like other people to know about adoption from sharing her story.

  • [ 38:59 ] How Kelly defines family.

  • [ 41:52 ] Where to find Kelly on social media.


  • The turbulent emotions Kelly felt after finding out she was adopted from a friend when she was eight years old.

  • Understanding the mix of valid emotions adoptees feel in their life and needing adoptive parents who can be empathetic and understanding towards those emotions.

  • Kelly channels her potent thoughts and feelings into a dynamic poem about her life and her adoption.

  • Going through deep, transformational work in Kelly’s life to finally learn how to unapologetically love herself.

  • Knowing that the path Kelly was put on as an adoptee was ultimately the right path for her life.



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