Writing a New Story From Crooked Script With Jorge: A Divorce and Blending Story

Season 2 Episode 6 - Main Graphic .png

In this episode, Jorge shares his perspective and experience of going through a divorce and blending two families. He reveals to us his journey in love, relationships, and spirituality. I once opened up to Jorge about a complicated relationship I was going through. He gave me an interesting perspective on what to understand and how to think about that relationship. I’m glad he’s here today to share his wisdom about the dynamics of relationships and how to honor each other in a respectful, cherishing way that equally builds each other up. Jorge makes a comment about love that is truly intriguing and how one becomes “lovely” when they’re in love, which leads to showing your best self to the world and being adored in the eyes of our partners.  

In This Episode: 

  • [ 2:07 ] Jorge’s introduction to his life and family

  • [ 4:52 ] Integrating his children with his second marriage

  • [ 7:09 ] The guilt Jorge felt blending his families 

  • [ 12:01 ] How Jorge acted in his relationship during his youth

  • [ 15:51 ] The dynamics of giving and receiving in relationships

  • [ 21:29 ] How Jorge wants to receive love from his partner to feel like a King while treating his woman as a Queen

  • [ 25:22 ] Did Jorge change his dynamics to approach his second marriage differently?

  • [ 29:50 ] What Jorge’s blended family life looks like now

  • [ 34:10 ] Jorge opened up capacity for love by moving his thoughts from his head to his heart

  • [ 35:28 ] The advice Jorge wants others to know who are blending families

  • [ 43:13 ] How Jorge defines family for himself



  • Finding ways in a relationship to treat each other like a King and a Queen and honoring those roles in the relationship

  • The pain of being in a relationship where you are being treated like a thing that is there to only provide, rather than a loving partner 

  • Feeling resentment after ending a toxic relationship and finding a new relationship where you feel love for the first time

  • Maneuvering the tough dynamics of blending families

  • Jorge had feelings of guilt when integrating a new family together because he could not save his previous marriage.

  • Spoiling a partner in a relationship and asking for nothing in return can lead to feelings of entitlement from one partner and worthlessness in another. It is essential for partners to show up on equal terms in order to satisfy each other's wants and needs in a healthy, balanced, reciprocal manner.


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